Thursday, 5 April 2012

John Carter-Confusing Product

John Carter disappoints, riding with high expectations especially from a director who gave me great joy with Finding Nemo and WALL- E both great cinematic achievements. The director who was involved with all of Pixar’s brilliant movies sadly could not create magic with this live action venture.
John Carter a confederate soldier, lonely and alone is suddenly transported to Mars where he gets involved between two fighting cities.What follows is Carter discovering the secrets of Mars while trying to avoid conflict with the Therns, a sort of immortal god like creatures.
Let me start by telling you the good parts, the planet Mars is beautifully created and its shows the creativity of Stanton. The creatures adhere to representation in the books. Where the movie lacks is the pace and story. The adaptation is weak and movie is too brisk to follow sometimes, you can miss key plot holes while watching attentively. The film doesn’t grip you or hold you rather it drives you away, you will have moments in the movie where you will lose interest. It is difficult to watch this movie. It lacks cohesion, while the actors cannot hold the movie together Taylor Kitsch does not seem the man for the job. The 3D is thrown in without it being required and the movie does not utilise the technology for the reason it has been made.
If you find the books interesting you will definitely want to stay away from this movie. Even if you are a die hard fan it will be difficult for you to watch this movie in its entirety. It is a product and not a movie. It has been sold as a product and its honest intention is to just make money without providing entertainment. The makers surely miss a mark in what could have been a great franchise by putting out a below average movie which will surely not be able to hold up to its high expenditure.
Give it a miss and you wont be ruining your weekend as I did