Oh what days they were, waking up late, entering late into the lecture and then the ultimate question, "attendance ho gyi kya? ". Sitting with friends talking about irrelevant topics or coming up with quirky names for our batchmates
One guy Anil was called BOND because his roll no.was 007!
After every few minutes a ringing sound of Oh BC! filled the air. The smile that never vanished when a lecture was cancelled and Pulkit's ultimate lectures.Looking at the time table to decide when to go back home.
Looking for that new hot fresher then realising someone found her before us. Such loss is incomprehensible and only quelled by a Thumbs Up at Pahari.
"Bhai talap mach rhi hain chal THUMBS UP lagate hain! "
While we never moved on Sohan Pal's business grew from the footpath to his own shop.
I found a great bunch of friends all equally lazy and everyone with some innate quality.
Eventually going on a trip to Uttrakhand hills. Playing cricket beside the river or staying awake all night and talking about some really creepy stuff. But we were young, and I can never forget some caricatures in the sand, probably still there mesmerising tourists till this day.
"pit jayega"
No one can forget that raft down those whirlpools and where some people saw the DARK SIDE OF THE MOON ;-).
Though some chickened out of a 20ft jump, the evidence is long gone. <br>
That long trek for a bite of Aloo Poori or the trip down to Dehradun where I saw a new GODFATHER. A game of cards and acting like idiots at 3 in the morning. A long trip to Mussoorie but the rewards were plenty, getting to live in a mansion on a cliff, or greeted by the old white witch with a song on the note of "Gumnaam hain koi". Though I never have accepted but "meri fatt gyi thi" and I was joined by some others. A few of these adventurers went out on a night stroll while we inside argued who will be bumped off first and while they ran back and away from a dog, we all agreed it would be Sam.
Anyways the witch rested for the rest of the trip but one angel was Thapa, what a man it started with Tea on the egde of the hill, to Maggi and Bread inside where KP draped himself in Butter and Sauce. The food was delicious and legendary. Always planning to wake up at 9 but we would always be late by 5 hours. That long trek down to Kempty Falls can never be forgotten and chilling the THUMBS UP in the ice cold water. The long walk from Mall Road to home. Where there was an adventure at every step. As long last we did travel back to Delhi, but with new memories and stronger bonds.
Last days of the exam and running frantically here and there to complete our files and get all the notes, I never really learned the name of the Photocopy Guy but he saved many a souls from that dreadful word BACK. Everyone asking the same questions tune kitna padha and noone ever believed my answers. While the whole semester was a combination of leaves and avoiding classes, everyone was present in the penultimate days. Bunking was hardly used as a word rather we used the more appropriate "Attend karni hain? ". Everyone waiting for someone to take the initiative and then the one who asked always backing down. Some days will always be etched like those nights at Sarthaks house playing on the PS3 or when I saw the WC Match in Delhi or the semi final at Noida.From KDH to CHT's house and especially, PB and Sam on that day. Sandy Bhai's marriage in Meerut,what a trip that was!Most of all dancing like mad men at the first beat of music. There have been many such incidents and not enough words to relive them. But those days are long gone.All of us have moved on to far distances but these memories will always exists reminding us of each other and those college days!!!
Monday, 28 May 2012
Those college days
MIB 3 : Decent entry into the franchise.
Fulfilling. One word sums up the new Men in Black. It had no spark of brilliance, it had no extraordinary moments but still it was completely watchable.
A simple story of time travel, told in usual fashion, predictable and enjoyable. After the first movie, I believe that element of surprise cannot be found again, so what we get is a very simple story, well executed with lots of gags and jokes most of which hit the bull's eye.
Agent K is wiped off by the world's most dangerous alien by travelling back in time, so guess who has to go and set history right. Thats where Will Smith meets the young Agent K (Josh Brolin) and they work together to save the world.
The actors all perform well, the chemistry between the main protagonists is delightful and Will Smith's Charisma always helps.
Can this be alleviated to anything above an average watch and forget Summer Movie, I believe not, but it deserves a watch for the sake of keeping yourself faithful towards this franchise.
On a side note, the climax is heart melting and hopefully a worthy send off to this trilogy
My only hope from the makers dont ruin the end with another hashed up movie for the sake of monetary gains.
A few years back when I was in college,a friend of mine gave me a video titled "School kills Creativity". I believe many of you have seen it, and most of you have lived it.
A few days ago Mohit Chandra from KPMG wrote an article about how Indian graduates are unambitious, within this he highlighted a few points. He spoke about how we are followers rather than leaders, how we don't question hierarchy and how our creative juices are limited to task execution rather than creative solution.
As a part of the so called Indian Education System and being helmed as leaders of tomorrow and drivers of our growth, I don't find myself equipped to take on this mantle. Do I lack the ability to innovate or am I lacking in self confidence. But how many of you can be that innovative spirits, this is not a question of ability but a larger question on cultivation of it. In schools especially in an Indian school we are taught to cram and throw up on the notebook to get marks, that was the ultimate goal. We were always taught to follow a straight line but never appreciated if we fell out of it. I learned in college how easily we could build a line following robot, which begs the question are we robots, have we been programmed. Don't misunderstand my basic premise, our country is blessed with such visionaries but relative to our population there are too few of them.
The Indian Dream
What is the Big Dream for these Gen-Next. Since I was in class 5th, I heard these words spoken so frequently they are edged in my head. The children are our future, they will be the one's taking the country to great heights. Somehow after 12 years that generation of dreamers has never arrived, it seems our elders lay down their hopes on each oncoming generation hoping a day will come, when these words come true.
So much of our workforce is working in places where their abilities and dreams both get squished. They pin our hopes on us, but they want us to work within the system from which they couldn't escape. But what they need to understand is the fruit does not fall far from the tree.So the only way we change is when our elders bring that change and drive the Gen-Next into believing in their abilities rather than stowing away their creativity for a static, monotonous and repetitive lifestyle, its a vicious circle.