Monday, 28 May 2012

MIB 3 : Decent entry into the franchise.

Fulfilling. One word sums up the new Men in Black. It had no spark of brilliance, it had no extraordinary moments but still it was completely watchable.
A simple story of time travel, told in usual fashion, predictable and enjoyable. After the first movie, I believe that element of surprise cannot be found again, so what we get is a very simple story, well executed with lots of gags and jokes most of which hit the bull's eye.
Agent K is wiped off by the world's most dangerous alien by travelling back in time, so guess who has to go and set history right. Thats where Will Smith meets the young Agent K (Josh Brolin) and they work together to save the world.
The actors all perform well, the chemistry between the main protagonists is delightful and Will Smith's Charisma always helps.
Can this be alleviated to anything above an average watch and forget Summer Movie, I believe not, but it deserves a watch for the sake of keeping yourself faithful towards this franchise.
On a side note, the climax is heart melting and hopefully a worthy send off to this trilogy
My only hope from the makers dont ruin the end with another hashed up movie for the sake of monetary gains.

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