Saturday, 7 July 2012

Prometheus- Cannot wait for the next one

Building up Prometheus as a prequel to Alien is the biggest disservice done to this amazing movie. A new story that promises a franchise and characters that give the much needed thrust to an unimaginative story.
Ridley Scott returned to his beloved space genre after 33 years and he gave a spark that needs to be followed up by a bang. Though Prometheus stands tall, I am more excited at the prospect of its sequel which would reveal the Pandora' box of secrets.

In 2089 humankind still trying to find the mysteries of our origins find the answer on a distant moon LV 223.A group of scientists funded by the Weyland Corp.  take the plunge into deep space to resolve the age old battle of creation vs evolution. The movie has everything from great set pieces to amazing performances and direction. The CG I looks amazing and the planet is mesmerizing. What lacked in this almost completely fulfilling story was the script. Though adventurous at first, it slows down and somewhere lets the movie slip from perfection. But you will forgive some lackluster moments and in the end would be thrilled at the possibility of a sequel.

Noomi Rapace as the lead was a great cast, she delivers a steady performance and one of scenes would absolutely blow your mind. She is the rock of this movie and holds it together till the end. Idris Elba is another good cast, he delivers an tactful performance. I was excited to see Charlize Theron and expected to see more of her, but she was gravely underutilized and this movie did nothing to show of her skills. Finally we come to Michael Fassbender as the android David. I am watching Michael for the second time after his remarkable performance in X Men : First Class and here again he dazzles. Along with Noomi he is the one to watch out for, clearly leaves everyone behind and probably will be the most remembered character from this movie.

Though the movie does not justify the hype. It surely gives us a new insight into the big bad alien world and I am so eagerly awaiting a sequel as the movie leaves a pot full of unanswered questions.

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