I recently saw a post on my Facebook wall, It was a 15
second video of one of my relatives taking the “ice bucket challenge” and
nominating three of their friends for the same. I couldn’t help myself from commenting
and informing that this isn’t a game and is for a larger cause of ALS. As usual
ignorance is bliss and westernizing our self is the norm of the times.
The chatter in this country when Modi was elected Prime
Minister was never focused on Nationalism although through his speeches he has
referred to it multiple times. Indians and especially the new generation of
which I am a part have rarely missed an opportunity to ape the West. The trend
that began in the early 2000 has rapidly taken over sometimes overlooking some
deep intrinsic cultures that prevail in our country. I am for one am advocate
of disowning old cultures tenterhooks that prevent us from moving ahead as a
country but sometimes I find that as Indians we have a habit of trying to
impress the West even if it is sub consciously. While people abroad rave about
the culture and values of India we as a people( speaking about a larger mass
than a selected few) do not give the same respect to the same. Hence whether it
be the ‘selfie’ trend of the ‘ice bucket challenge’ we are usually grossly
misinformed or conveniently over look the facts indulging in draping ourselves
in out all too Westernized living style.
What I found very demeaning about this post and several
after was that pouring of water somehow was meant to stave off our adventurous spirit
or the very feral mindset of following a trend somehow unconnected but which
gave us a social standing of being better than others. No matter how much you
love being in the limelight, a social cause deserves your respect.
But I am sure many more people will indulge in this game
ignoring it’s true purpose. I just wish the bucket was of ‘ice cream’ and I
could get a bite or two.
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